
Hotel reservations – check, sunscreen – packed. Did you think about a cybersecurity checklist? If not, before you leave on your trip look at our recommendations to minimize cybercriminals from tagging along on your journey.

Limit the number of devices you are bringing.

Each device you pack could be a potential additional security risk. Only bring devices that you need and plan to use.

Don’t use a public Wi-Fi or guest network without a VPN.
  • Information on a public Wi-Fi can be unsecure, tracked, and should be avoided.
  • Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN adds security, hides your public IP address, and minimizes the ability for cybercriminals to track your location. Install a VPN app or software before your excursion.
  • Use a hotspot in addition to the VPN. Use your cell phone signal as a Wi-Fi setting to turn on this feature.
  • Limit sharing sensitive data on your device such as your Social Security number.
Notify the IT staff for business travel plans.
  • If you are using a company device, let the IT staff know about your travel plans. Only use the company device and VPN if necessary.
  • Don’t use company provided computers for personal use while on vacation.
  • If taking a trip internationally, discuss any potential country regulations with the IT department.
  • Use a private space when entering credentials.
  • Lock the device when not in use.
  • Don’t leave devices unattended.
Don’t use public computers for sensitive information such as banking or healthcare.
Don’t use public recharging stations.
  • Bring your own USB cables and charger.
  • Cybercriminals can load malware on public USB charging stations to potentially access devices while being charged known as juice jacking.
Use caution when posting on social media.
  • Don’t mention your location.
  • Avoid listing your detailed itinerary.

1 -Proofpoint: What is a VPN: https://www.proofpoint.com/us/threat-reference/vpn
2 –Federal Communications Commission: https://www.fcc.gov/juice-jacking-tips-to-avoid-it#:~:text=Cybersecurity%20experts%20warn%20that%20bad,passwords%20directly%20to%20the%20perpetrator.